Pattaya GoGo Dancer

The Life Cycle of a Pattaya GoGo Dancer

The Life Cycle of a Pattaya GoGo Dancer


Pattaya GoGo Dancer

  • What happens to a beautiful Thai girl that becomes a GoGo dancer at the age of 19?

  • Where do those young innocent women wind up 10 years later?

  • Do GoGos provide a benefit to the young beautiful women of Thailand or are they traps like a spider’s web?

  • A spider’s web holds it’s prey glued to its web until the spider is ready to suck all the life out of its victim. Do GoGo dancers get all the life sucked out of them or do they get a chance of a better life from the experience of working in a GoGo?

The answers to those questions lie in the answer to this question. You can take a GoGo dancer out of the GoGo , but can you take the GoGo out of a GoGo dancer?

What does take the GoGo out of a GoGo Dancer mean? Working in a Pattaya GoGo has a unique lifestyle attached to it. A party life like no other anywhere in the world, from sundown to sunrise everyday of the week. In order for GoGo dancers to be successful they need to solicit drinks from the venue’s customers. The more attractive girls may have a nightly, 10 drink quota. Achieving that drink quota entitles that GoGo dancer to receive a great salary for an uneducated worker in Thailand. The salary could be comparable to what a dentist from Thailand earns in one month.

Pattaya GoGo dancer

Right there you have to say that this has great potential to help young people get a good start in life, despite the environment. Dentists make good money, anywhere from Thai baht 100,000 to 200,000 per month (US$3,000 – $7,000). If a 19 year old can earn that much monthly, they can buy homes, cars and support families. Although, there is something about the GoGo life that makes those goals and dreams escape many of the women that enter into that profession. Why? What thing can cause so many to stumble?

Pattaya Undercover’s team of research analysts express that it is a combination of many things particular to the GoGo dancer lifestyle, culminating into the perfect storm, that lead many to failure. What are the ingredients of this cocktail of lost hope and despair? As we discuss the factors that contribute to shattered hopes and dreams. We will see what gives this punch the power to affect so many.

Pattaya GoGo Dancer

The main ingredient in this brew of sorrow is a lack of knowledge about the real world.

That lack of knowledge leads to a skewed concept of reality. Understanding why so many young women veer away from reality is at the core of understanding why people with access to real world resources, squander that elevated lifestyle away. This abstract concept of reality is introduced through the video entertainment young people watch.

Today’s marketing media has gone way past the proofs of Pavlov’s dogs. Pavlov’s dogs is the term used to designate an experiment that proved triggered responses in animals can be created by sound. Today’s marketing geniuses know how to trigger desires of all kinds in HUMANS through the media options available today. Most young women, heavily influenced by the modern media, unknowingly desire the easy life they see their favorite sitcom characters and movie stars living. Or they want to party everyday like the images in their favorite music videos.

Pattaya GoGo Dancer

The reality of how hard movie stars work and the loneliness they endure because of their fame, is oblivious to them. The reality of the hours of practice great singers have sacrificed is unknown. They just see the pretty lights. The reality of why men that look like rock stars and movie stars don’t choose them for lifetime companions is not understood.

Face it GoGo dancer, men like that are not going to choose you! Could it be because of your occupation?

Eligible men do come into the lives of these young women, men that are willing to work hard, share and give them everything they ever dreamed of. Those same ladies pass them by or find ways to take advantage of their generosity, because they don’t look like Tom Cruise or Denzel Washington. Many young GoGo dancers fight the reality that there prince charming may not come in a Tom cruise package, because of, ‘where they work.’ Their prince charming may be 30 years older than them, slightly bald, and overweight. That’s reality.

The party life, full of drinking, drugs, and sex, adds to the dream world many of these women live in. Many women that work in the erotic dancer industry numb their senses daily with alcohol and drugs. During private interviews, these same women admitted they overindulged in alcohol and drugs to escape the reality of them being treated and looked upon as objects, to be desired only. What a dichotomy, these women want to be in wholesome relationships, but turn them down preferring to remain in a never ending party with their friends. Just like Peter Pan in NeverNeverland never growing up and never dealing with the real world.

Their dream man may have presented himself to these women many times, but he walks away rejected and dejected because he didn’t come in the same package they see in the movies or in their favorite music videos. Another reason at the top of the list is; The woman was not ready to leave the party and her friends in her altered reality.

There is also a limited amount of appreciation for what most people have to do, or had to do, to survive and succeed in the real world.

It doesn’t matter how you achieved your wealth. What matters is; Someone needs to give you a damn good reason to share all your hard earned with them.

GoGo Dancer

This is the point where the good stories and the fairy tail endings begin.

Believe it or not there are some smart ones in the GoGos that have reached this level of consciousness. Some women reach this level early in their GoGo girl life cycle, while their beauty is still a thing to behold. While some women reach this level of consciousness late when their glory days have begun to fade or have already faded by the wayside. It’s so sad to say, but so many never reach this level of consciousness at all. And they are the ones you find still working in the GoGos at 29 years of age, 10 years later, still looking and waiting for Justin Bieber to come through the door and choose them.

Finding the GoGo dancer at the point of this raised consciousness in the GoGo girl’s life cycle, is the challenge for men wanting long term companions from women in this line of work. It’s also like finding a needle in a haystack. And you, my friend, are not the only one looking for a sexy and attractive woman at this stage of consciousness in the GoGo dancer’s life cycle.

The GoGo dancer at this level of consciousness has the ability and the willingness to understand reality and conquer real life situations and circumstances. You will know this is true, if she can wake up in the morning and handle business, instead of waking up at sunset hungry with a hangover. A woman with a real world mentality gives you a fighting chance to have a fulfilling and wholesome relationship with her. This type of GoGo dancer has literally come out of the GoGo and has gotten rid of the GoGo in her.

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