The Book of Ying

Men In Thailand Need To Know About “The Book of Ying”

“The Book of Ying” was written to help women in Thailand understand how to secure a man’s financial resources. Resources such as providing financial support, a home, and entertainment may not be greatly respected in Western societies. In Thai culture along with other Eastern cultures, being a breadwinner is highly honored. Those types of men are aggressively sought after by Thai women and sometimes taken advantage of. Men must realize and recognize this fact when they come to Thailand. Your ability to provide, and change the lives of the women you share your financial resources with has a high value. Your ability to provide may not be appreciated in Western cultures, be assured it is desired and treasured by the women on the Eastern side of the world. 

Government policies and family courts are not prejudiced towards men in the Thai legal system. 

It may have some inequalities when it comes to foreigners, but towards men as a gender the oppression of the legal system is absent. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for a woman to extort you through the Thai legal system as they do in the West, primarily because you can leave the country at your whim. The maximum rate of child support is equal to the working man’s minimum wage, which is a little less than 6,000 THB a month (about $170 US dollars at the time of this writing).

So let’s drop the million dollar question right here. How does a Thai woman convince a man to share this thing of great value, his provisions, with her? At this point, let me introduce you to “The Book of Ying.” Ying is the Thai word for woman so the title of this book in English is “The Book for Women.”

“The Book of Ying” contains detailed instructions for Thai women that will create an atmosphere where a man will be happy sharing his money with that woman. 

I’ll say it again because it needs to be reiterated. A Thai woman has a book of instructions that when executed correctly, will make a man happy to share his money with her. Many men, when they truly connect with a Thai woman, are overwhelmed by the woman’s attentiveness to a man’s needs. If you find the right one, she will take over all the roles and duties of the woman in the household, straight out of the gate. You, as a man, will not be allowed to do anything in the kitchen, or cleaning of any kind without strong resistance. Even boiling water for tea will come with resistance.

These actions, on your part, can cause the woman to lose face (be highly embarrassed) if her friends or family see you, the man of the house, doing things traditionally regarded as a women’s duty in the home. Translation; girl you won’t get that man to share his resources with you by letting him do that! Sex, including oral satisfaction without asking before you even open your eyes, toothpaste on your toothbrush when you wake up in the morning. If a baby is involved, don’t even attempt to change a diaper where Mom or Grandma can see you. They’ll push you aside immediately. Manicures and pedicures, she will not allow the women at the beauty salon to get their hands or eyes on you. If you have to go to the salon you can bet she’ll be there too.

Why would a Thai woman practice these principles on you? 

Thailand is a unique destination and location, where the women have adapted to the intricacies of survival there. Women, especially single moms, know that they need a man’s financial resources for survival and comfort. Wealthy Thai men will not touch a single mom or a bar girl with a 10 foot pole, except as a mistress. Foreign men provide hope and a potential opportunity for stability.

Most foreign men Thai women meet under the age of 50, will have to leave Thailand at some point and hopefully return to them. Long term visas are difficult to obtain for young men that don’t have a stream of income that can be accessed internationally. One group of men, usually over the age of 50, have visa options combined with access to pensions that make it easier to obtain long stay retirement visas. Another group of men that have the resources to travel independently are still on the grind creating their wealth. This group can only remain in Thailand temporarily. That age group generally ranges from 32 – 48 years old.

So, there’s a group of men that can stay permanently and there’s a group that can only be in Thailand temporarily. 

The mission for Thai women is the same for both groups (there are peculiarities for each group that I will define later). That mission is, once again, to make you comfortable and happy to share your financial resources with her. Thai women accomplish this by making you fall in love with them. And they have a book with detailed instructions on how to make a man fall in love with them titled “The Book of Ying.” In this book there will be phrases like “My love for you is more than all the water in the oceans,” as well as behavior training like sexual availability and respectful interactions, along with managing all the roles and responsibilities of a woman in a home.

That means you will not be dealing with a loudmouthed woman with a disrespectful attitude and speech, or a sexless relationship, when a Thai woman commits to you. Cleaning & cooking is never something to complain about or argue over. Most times this is entirely the opposite of what you have dealt with in Western cultures. It also makes your capture, like prey on the prairie. Because of the abundance of uncooperative non-feminine women in the West, the first time you encounter this new type of interaction, you will be overcome and overwhelmed with emotion. This is where the game that Thai women run can become reality to a man unaware of their training. Particularly in the big cities and top tourist destinations like Bangkok, Patong, Pattaya, and Chang Mai.

It might not be love but you won’t know the difference. 

That is the creed for Thai women in relationships. The complexity of this relationship is, it is a fair trade. The care and attention you receive will make you comfortable sharing your money with a Thai woman. But you need to know and understand that what is being done for you may not be for love but most likely for the money. The O’Jays wrote a song “For the Love of Money.” They sang about the lengths people will go for that mean, mean green. Those lyrics can be equated with how far a Thai woman will go to make you fall in love with her in order to secure your willingness to share your financial resources with her.

The men that can reside in Thailand permanently, they have the ability to see exactly what the woman is doing with her time and the money being shared. For the other group of men that can only be in Thailand temporarily, the Thai woman’s strategy is to make you love her enough to send her money while you are out of the country. Be forewarned, once you leave the country the woman is free to do whatever she wants with the resources being shared. Please, don’t think she’s sitting home doing nothing else but waiting for you to return.

The Book of Ying

Where can you find “The Book of Ying?” 

There may have been a hard copy of this book written at some point in Thai history, for now, every Thai woman writes her own Book of Ying. How so you may ask? If you ever get a chance to go through a girl’s phone, you may find phrases that confess her love in a variety of languages. There are family recipes that are mouthwatering that she has inscribed in her memory. She has also rehearsed behaviors that she knows will please a man. And she will study you to find out exactly what pleases you

“The Book of Ying” has been handed down through oral traditions by the women and the men in Thai culture. It is possible to find pages hidden in a translation app or personal diary. Be wary of women that speak your native tongue effectively. These women, especially if they worked in the adult entertainment industry, are very skillful in their application of “The Book of Ying’s” tactics. The older mama-sans at the bars will smile at you when you bring up “The Book of Ying,” because they know it exists and they are also teachers of its principles.

How will you ever know if a Thai woman truly loves you? 

That my friends is a great question. The answer is you may never know. That’s how deep the game runs here. However there are a couple of tests that can give some indication that the love may be real. If a Thai woman has an opportunity to work while being in a relationship with you, if she truly loves you, she will take HER hard earned money and buy things for you or take you out. Another test will be, seeing her aggressively deny the requests for money from her family or friends.

Many unsuspecting men, newly introduced to Thai culture, have become victims and slaves to Thai women after they had liberated themselves from the tyranny of women in the West. So, I wrote this blog to help men that are new to Thai relationships to be aware of the game Thai women run. Because they are truly good at it. There are several content creators only telling you about the bliss about living in Thailand and not the risks. It might not be love but you won’t know the difference is at the core of “The Book of Ying.”

Whether you’re in Thailand or out of the country. Many Thai woman will want a portion of your financial resources. And they have developed a technique to make you happy to share that portion. So take your time and do your best to be sure the love is real before you commit large amounts of money. Or, accept the fair trade value and enjoy the time you spend with a Thai woman who has committed herself to gaining your trust, love, and your financial resources regardless of her true feelings. Whatever you decide, always protect yourself, your emotions, and your assets.

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